
Showing posts from August, 2021

Want to Join the Wizarding World? (Store Review)

 I wanted to submit this for the next issue of GWC E-magazine, but it seems like the magazine is still currently on temporary hiatus. I wrote about this store the  way I did because GWC E-magazine is an international magazine, and New York is a hot spot for tourists for people all over the world. I was allowed to quote those who I quoted in this review.  Want to Join the Wizarding World? (A Harry Potter Store Review) By: Kaylyn Gabbert Where my original sources said that the store had their grand opening in Manhattan, New York otherwise known as New York, New York in April they opened their doors to us June 3rd. I visited the store in mid-July. The three story building is on 935 Broadway Avenue. The doors are opened to the public on the second floor, and there are two different elevators designed like fireplaces, one to take you upstairs to the VR experience, and the other to take you downstairs to the second part of the giant displays as well as shopping. To get to the V...

How to Defeat Writer’s Block

 I wanted to have this published in the GWC E-Magazine, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen because it was supposed to come out at the beginning of this month. It looks like there was an unexpected hiatus for the magazine, and as you all know when I write something I always want to share it.  How to Defeat Writer’s Block By: Kaylyn Gabbert There are many ways to fight the dreaded writer’s block, and in last month’s Talk-It-Over with Carolyn Declue I touched base with a few that work for me. Writer’s block can take many forms: it can be lack of motivation, lack of ideas, or your emotions and life taking front seat to your writing. No matter what it is, it tends to drive you crazy. I say that because I run a group called Accountabilibuddies where many of the writers have told me a variation of these forms of writer’s block, and I’m not immune myself. Here are some of my tried and true methods of getting through me through writer’s block. Please note, not all of them ...