Been a Month (Since Graduation)
It's been about a month since I've been out of school. I've had phone meetings with a mentor, marketing people, a life coach, and my career counselor from Full Sail. I'm now in three writing groups. I've worked on and finished one of my personal projects. It's Treasured Memories, the post under this. It was the first project I wanted to make available to everyone mentioned. I shared it on both my personal and professional pages, LinkedIn, my website, and CareerSync, a website that Full Sail University provides their graduates that works a bit like LinkedIn, but our counselors can help from there. After meetings with a writing mentor and the life coach I've realized that I'm in a good place writing-wise. I'm confident and have written almost every day since school let out. The writing groups I'm in help a lot with different things. Passionate Writers Community is for serious writers who get stuck or have questions for each other. We share advic...