Eminem said, "You have enemies? Good. That means you stood for something." What does this have to do with anything? Well, for a long time before I was disowned by my mother I was always wondering, 'Why does she hate me? What did I ever do to her?' You can't get mad at me for having this little pity party every once in a while because I know every human has had that 'Why me?' moment. Whether it's "Why me? Why do I have to do the dishes?' Or 'Why me? Why am I the only one getting in trouble with mom and dad?' The point is everyone has those moments where they're wondering why is some "bad" happening to them. Well, I was always wondering what my family's beef was with me. Why did I have to be the scapegoat? The one who no matter what's going on or where I was, I was at fault. I was even wondering why my family loved my sister like she was a saint, but I was a little devil or whatever when my sister made mistakes as well. Then the other day after I expressed my opinion on Facebook, my sister leaves this little comment; "Love this article. However, nobody gave you up. You can only hurt someone so many times before they have to let go and hope one day they will realize how much you did for them and how much you love them. This is how the majority of us feel about you. You say things to and about us that have no merit just to push us away and it worked. Besides that, parents screw up. It happens. Both mom and dad said stupid things about the other parent. Neither of them were right for it. Feel how you feel, but harboring anger and posting spiteful things will not make life better for anybody, yourself included. Delete me if you must but I feel it needed to be said." The thing that really pisses me off is my younger sister believes everything these monsters we're blood binded to without fail. It sometimes seems she can't even think on her own. Look, I'm not trying to be a b****, but this is the only place online I can say whatever I FEEL. I'm not saying that everything I say in here is fact, but I'm allowed to say whatever I want here.
So anyway, I have always been wondering why my family hates me then I came up with the conclusion the other day. They don't like me because I stand up for what is right rather than doing what I want to do regardless of consequence. I have firm beliefs where my biological family seems to be major flip-floppers. Not only that but when I have a goal in mind I will do anything to achieve my goals.  I want my life to be better, and I know that I have my flaws. My biological family, with the exception of like two or three members, don't know they even have flaws. They play the victim always. Yes, it is true that I haven't had the easiest life with my CP, the death threats, and everything; but I sure as hell didn't let that put a hindrance on my lifestyle. I am a firm believer in "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." because in my case that was and is still very true. I've fought for everything I got. I did everything I could do to get the amazing life I have now. I did all the research and all of the work to publish my book. I wanted to better my life and I was willing to do anything to have a better life. I'm just glad I finally figured it out. My family doesn't like me because I'm willing to admit that I may be at fault for some stuff, and they all want to live with the blinders on.


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