About my Dad
Okay, so I've been thinking a lot about my Dad lately... And I've been missing him a heck of a lot too. So I've- I thought maybe if I write about him it will help. For those of you who don't know I lost my Dad when I was seventeen. He passed away from a heart attack. He was a great man who raised great, intelligent kids. Keith Gabbert, my father, passed away on April 10, 2010. I miss him. From time to time small stuff reminds me of him. Like there was this cake Richard showed me today that was shaped like a butt taking a turd (the turds were so obviously just frosting but I digress), and it made me think of Dad because that's something he would have showed me. I just know it. As an adult at the age of twenty-two I think a lot about my future. I think about school, my writing career, what it will be like to be married, where Richard and I will be living, and what it will be like to have kids (and the rules Richard and I will have for them). When I think about all as...