Not Hostess Ready...

I worked on this over the weekend. I hope you like it.

Over the week I've only had to play hostess twice. It's been a weird adjustment. On Wednesday, our brother Marshall came over for a few hours. I felt the need to offer him food or a drink, but most of the food we have takes time to prepare. I offered him drinks, but he had to get it... Oops.

Then Eric came over Friday. He brought supplies we needed that are cheaper where he is. It felt, as lame as it may sound, like a suburban house mom checking on her grown kids. I fuckin' loved it. But since we've only lived here a month we don't have much furniture. So I wondered where he'd sleep. He brought his pillow and borrowed a blanket. He curled up in a corner. He actually surprised us with making us our favorite dinner. I want to cook for him, but Eric planned to cook Saturday's dinner.
In other news when he got here and got set up I gave him the Wi-Fi password. We got him a little desk in the corner. He caught Richard up on Supernatural. Then when I asked him about The Magicians he said I need to catch up. So since he brought it up to me (instead of telling Richard to tell me (an occasional pet peeve of mine)) I downloaded the SyFy app to catch up. (We don't have cable, so any shows I want to watch I have to download the channel's app.)
On Saturday, Eric, Richard, and I went shopping, hung out, and caught up on our shows. Then I convinced Eric to stay another day. I planned to cook for him Sunday night. I made sure both Eric and Richard know I'm cooking.
Sunday was pretty relaxed. I was able to make a variation of a pasta sauce April taught me to make. Richard helped me in the kitchen. It was not something Richard and Eric are used to but they loved it. Later Sunday night Eric was trying to catch up on The Walking Dead, but for some reason he couldn't watch them on his devices. I downloaded the AMC app and let him borrow my phone. I know how much he loves the show.
Things all my parents have taught me that I want to remember and do are: make sure they don't leave my place hungry and after coming over three times you're no longer a guest, you're a pest. 😛
So in the end I discovered there are some things I know how to do and things I still need to work on. I hope I was a good hostess while Eric was here.


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