NYCC 2018
I went to New York Comic-Con on Friday with my husband and a couple of our friends. It was going to be different from the years past because I was getting more freedom with a mobile scooter. I have severe anxiety that surprisingly doesn't paralyze me, but my heart races as bad as a cartoon whose just fallen in love. You know the one. With their hearts beating hard against their chest like they're trying to escape. Before we even entered I saw Garnet in wedding garb from Steven Universe. She was getting a professional picture taken, but I didn't want to miss my chance getting my picture taken with her. I waited and I got a picture with her. She gave me her card. I ended up tagging her on Instagram and following her: @punkybruisercosplay Once we got in the building I was pretty much on my own. I went wall crawling first to find an ATM to enjoy the Con. This was my first time in a motorized scooter in a long time, and with everyone around and all the crowds I was terrifie...