Writing Secrets

I have discovered a writing secret lately, and I'm very impressed with this one. When I started writing when I was eleven it was just for fun. As I got older writing became a solace for me. But now writing is a hobby/work. It's- I can't decide I think it's both. I love writing. Creating worlds. Creating characters. All of it is so fun. Plus, since I write scifi it's so much more fun than having such a mundane life. I love making powerful female protagonists because they can always do things I can't. But at the same time writing is so much work because as the author I have to remember every little detail or risk being a crappy author... Like I love the Maximum Ride series, but it seemed like James Patterson forgot that the Flock got more powers in The Final Warning because that was never mentioned again. As an author I think it's important to bring up important details like that again. That's why it's so much harder to write Escaping Hell, and that's why I've already changed the story so far four times.
So I haven't been writing as much this past year as much as I used to, but that's not exactly a bad thing. I used to think it was a horrible thing. I mean I went a whole month without writing, and it scared the living crap out of me. But I now know that I don't write as much not because I don't think I'm cut out to be a writer. Because I did think that the whole month I just couldn't write. Ever since I moved to New York Richard has been trying to let me know that I can take a break from writing and do other things like play video games, read, study, whatever I want to do. So every once in a blue moon I play my DS, and I love playing Xbox every now and again. I have games like Devil May Cry 4 (which I beat), Fairy Tale Fights (which I beat with Richard), Peggle (also beat it), Eternal Sonata (I'm like on level three or four), Mass Effect (Richard got me into it), Serious Sam (old game my family used to own), Fusion Frenzy (another old game my family used to own). I love studying a few books about writing. Some are for notes and others are workbooks. I love both. I love painting my nails (two colors at a time every time, I even them out). I love playing with Annaise. She's so cute and lovable. I love blogging when I can think of something to say. I love hanging with Richard, Eric, and Marshall. I love bonding with Mom. I love shopping with Richard and Eric because somehow even when we're going grocery shopping they make it fun. And I also love LOVE listening to music. I have four music devices with all different types of music on each, and over seventy five different youtube playlists that I made up. I'm a big music fan, but you can tell that based on Pandora's and Angel's powers (I hope). But the biggest reason I think I don't write as much is because I don't HAVE to. It may sound weird, yes, but it is very true. I used to use writing as an escape more than anything. But now that I'm living in a great, loving home I can relax and do other things. I don't feel the need to write as much and crawl in my stories and hide. I love that sometimes I can just wait for inspiration. It's a nice feeling. :)


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