Good news!

So I am starting the publishing process with AuthorHouse for Head Hunters. I chose the Essential package. In this package Head Hunters will be sold in ebook and paperback format. I will have one-on-one author support, professional marketing consultant, online distribution through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other book retailers. And I will get an ISBN assignment, copyrights (on my book. very important to me), and a letter from Library of Congress. I will get my own copy and ten paperbacks and twenty ebook codes to sell personally. On the marketing from preview/inside looks on Amazon, Google, Barnes and Noble, and Book Buyers. Head Hunters will be mentioned in BookMad magazine. I also get 100 promotional bookmarks, 100 promotional business cards, and 100 promotional postcards. There's more, but I'm sure I'm the only one who cares about the other minor details.

If you guys would like to see where I got that information:

I'm so glad that I'm going to publish my book. I love that I get to share my ideas with the world. Sharing my stories with with the world. Richard, Mom, Twin, and a lot of people I know support me and tell me my writing is good. I always try to be the best author and person I can.

So since I am publishing another book I was thinking about my dad. I never was able to publish books until I was older and he had passed on. So every time I publish a book I wonder what my father would think. Would he be proud of me? Would he have any advice for me? Would he be proud that I have people in my life who can draw the cover?

But then I saw this video on Facebook that Mom share with my sister, Aileen. She's my eldest sister. It was a video of a father at his daughter's wedding. He didn't have a speech for a the wedding, so instead he he signed an amazing song. Mom told me today that the song is the song Aileen wants to dance to with her father at her wedding.

Video/new link:

Every time I see a daddy/daughter anything video I can't help but cry. I was very close to my dad, and I was his little princess. Badass princess. O:) I miss my dad a lot. I wonder what it would be like if he were able to come to my wedding in 2019. I-I broke down last night missing him so much, I changed my cover photo for him.

Here's some of my favorite pictures from my laptop folder of pictures of him: 

This is one of my favorite childhood pictures with Dad.

One of Dad's favorite spots at the Science Center in Seattle. 

He had such a great sense of humor. 

He hung out with me when I couldn't play by the water at the beach. 

He was loving, dedicated, and he brought his wife to meet her favorite author, Stephen King. 

He was a great and loving father. I just will miss him. 

I'll update you guys on the publishing front as things come up. I got to go now and sign my contract with them. ^-^


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