This week was pretty good. Nothing too eventful happened until I received a letter from my brother Ethan. I haven't seen him in a few years due to lack of funds, and although the letter was short it was nice to hear from him and get a school picture of him as well.

I also got to talk to him for a while which was pretty cool too. I talked to his mom for a while, and it was pretty awesome. I say that because I realized that she can't hurt me anymore, and I think that's great. Not that the conversation went too bad. But it's nice to know I can survive a conversation with jerks without hurt feelings or anything. I believe that means I'm maturing. 

So have you guys ever seen those horror movies where someone gets possessed by a spirit, demon, or whatever. Well that's how I felt today. It wasn't bad or anything, but I did feel possessed. I was possessed by two of my characters from Head Hunters. I was looking at these pictures on Dose.com of animals and their parents that will melt your heart. Celeste felt very moved by some of the photos, so she posted eighteen of the twenty-three original photos. On some of the pictures Celeste's best friend and girlfriend, Aria added a description. It was really cute. 

Celeste's post on my professional Facebook page: Celeste's Post

I should warn you because Celeste hasn't had great experiences with humans, so she's a little on the human-bashing side. Nothing personal I promise. If you were to meet her and were polite she'd be a great friend. Just thought I should let you know. 

Oh! I almost forgot to say I saw a question on a Facebook page that I couldn't help but answer and ask others. The question was, "What's your reason to write?" 

Original Post of the Question: Writer's Circle post  

So I asked it on my professional Facebook page not knowing if people would answer and three people answered; two brothers of mine and a person I go to college with. Here are the answers starting with mine. 

"I write to fight injustices I did not stand to fight. I write to cope with bad things in life. I write to live a great life." ~Kaylyn Gabbert

"I write to feel good. I write to create a beautiful world . I write to live." ~Alexington

"I write because I can excape reality and become someone I'm not. I write to because sometimes I want people to to believe in them selves just like the characters I write." ~Boomer, one of my brothers

"I write to escape the hell of life, to create life, to take life, and to show others that adventures aren't just going somewhere... It's being someone. Even if they feel insignificant, they all matter, in the larger schematic of our world, like the Matrix. "The paths of the one are made by the many." This quote has been stuck with me ever since I played "Enter The Matrix" which follows the story of Captain Niobi and Ghost through all three movies. 
I write, because I have to. I have a million lives in my mind begging, screaming, to be born upon paper and in the imaginations of all who read my work. These characters are all based on different aspects of my personality, so that all of me is in my work." ~Adam, one of my other brothers

Anyway, that's all for now. ^-^ 


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