International Women's Month Collection: Kaylyn Gabbert
This year I invited women to ask me whatever they wanted. I interviewed them. It was their turn to get to know me in any way they wanted. They sent me these questions in February and March. So I gave them my answers right away. Now you guys can get to know me as well. Kaylyn Gabbert : Do you have anything you want to know about me? Any questions you've wanted to ask? (Asked to all women) Kimmie Cooper : I already know everything about you!! Lol!! Cheyanne B .: What inspires you the most when writing? KG : I'm inspired by a lot of things when writing like shows and movies on TV, interesting/insane conversations with friends and family, listening to music, and things I read. I also get inspired by real life events such as what I learn in documentaries or personal experiences. It depends on what scene I'm writing, and that will dictate what's inspiring me the most at the moment. CB : How do you truly focus on keeping any story idea straight enough and detailed enough to ...