What I Know

So here I am week three of Overview of Visual Arts Industries, and I'm learning about publicity and marketing. Holy Hell, are they trying to pinpoint a target audience or what? *scoffs* So I'm on the fourth assignment even though it's only early morning Monday. I'm reading a slideshow for the notes. I'm learning target market and when looking at a target market you "must": 

  1. look at your current customer base 
  2. check your competition 
  3. analyze your product
I agree with the above. The below is where it gets tricky and annoying. 

4. choose specific demographic to target

  • age 
  • location
  • gender 
  • income level
  • education level 
  • marital or family status
  • occupation
  • ethnic background
5. consider the psychographics of your target

  • personality 
  • attitudes 
  • values 
  • interests/hobbies
  • lifestyles 
  • behaviors 
And there was another that's not as relevant to this entry. But anyway, take it from an ex-nomad. There are people from all walks of life. You can't base everything off such closed-minded thinking. And I only say that because those same questions I was asked with whose my target audience for my book, Drag Me to Hell, and most likely the same questions will be asked when I publish Head Hunters. Facebook also asks these stupid questions along with money to advertise. Personally at this time I'm advertising by myself and through my family, but if you look at the audience I know for something like say, my book... The current audience pool for my book are a kid who read my book when he was ten, people who were in their late teens/early twenties, people in their forties, and people in their sixties as well. Males and females alike read it. People from many different locations, income and educational backgrounds, marital/family status, occupation, ethnic background. People with different personalities, attitudes, values, and so on like my book. And I know some products need to be that categorized but not everything.Books, movies, and TV shows should be more open than those pinpoint audience marks, 
Sorry for my little rant. I needed this off my chest. 


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