International Women’s Spread Dr. Danett
Introducing the wise, friendly, and helpful, Dr. Danett. I met her in Brooklyn Women's Writing Group. 😀
Kaylyn Gabbert: What brought you to the Brooklyn Women’s Writing Group?
Dr. Danett: I love to write and it’s my favorite things to do in the world. And my father, God rest his spirit when he read my writing he said positive things, and he said I should be a writer. I had a history of writing in high school and after high school. I got awards for writing, from the Golden Key and Kuumba. It’s called A Taste Of Our Own Medicine: 3 Vital Keys To Ending Postnatal Depletion, Nurturing Mothers And Improving Communities.
Dr. Serrallach describes postnatal depletion as a postpartum syndrome of accumulated issues including deep fatigue, hyper-vigilance, and a feeling of being overwhelmed. Symptoms stem from physiological issues, hormones, sleep disruption or deprivation, alongside psychological, mental, and emotional factors.
KG: What are your favorite mediums to write in?
Dr. Danett: I like to write nonfiction about women's health. Sometimes poetry.
KG: May I ask what you have your doctorate in?
Dr. Danett: I have a doctorate in Eastern medicine. My official initials are DAOM, Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, but I prefer Eastern medicine.
KG: What do you think about International Women’s Day? (March 8)
Dr. Danett: I looove it. I love that there’s something that connects all of us as women around the world.
Dr. Danett’s book: A Taste Of Our Own Medicine
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